Dr. Tom Walters is a board-certified orthopaedic physical therapist and author of the book Rehab Science; How to Overcome Pain and Heal from Injury. He specialises in the treatment of pain and move...
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Amanda Lynn Schupp is an American Trampwall artist known for her high falls, flips, and trampoline precision. She has performed internationally, amassing a substantial online following that allows ...
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'As far as I can remember, I dance. The truth is that I was far from being good at it. But, despite my teachers' opinion, I remained focused and trustful in my passion and intuition. I trained and ...
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I've spent my twenties in Asia studying various meditation practices as a way to calm my mind. As a result, I gained even more efficiency. Being a control freak at the time, it seemed like a perfec...
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The contortionist talks about vulnerability, pregnancy as a physical artist and what it means to be born in the circus.
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